BES Systems partners with Energy Revolution

Energy Revolution launches industry-specific carbon balancing initiative and selects BES Systems to pioneer
Energy Revolution have launched the first industry specific initiative to provide event suppliers with a system to balance the negative impact of their travel to and from events.
The Travel Carbon Calculator allows companies to calculate their carbon emissions, and donate to Energy Revolution in order to ‘balance’ their emissions. 100% of donations are invested in renewable energy projects; turning the carbon emissions from travel into a world-changing positive investment.
The pilot programme has been produced with support from five of the UK’s most progressive event industry companies, including Chai Wallahs, BES Systems, Rock City Crew, Charge & Store and Greenbox Events.
On average, vehicle travel is responsible for more than two thirds of a festival’s carbon footprint. Participation from suppliers will help events and festivals significantly reduce their environmental impacts.
Energy Revolution’s board of trustees includes directors of some of the UK’s most innovative festivals, including Boomtown, Secret Garden Party, Shambala Festival and Kendal Calling, so the initiative has been produced with a well-rounded understanding of the event industry and its needs.
The Suppliers initiative compliments Energy Revolution’s audience facing program, which raised more than £8,500 in it’s first year through point-of-sale travel balancing donations . The funds were invested in wind turbines in Tamil Nadu with charity The Converging World. The initiative has accounted for almost 1.7 million travel miles worth of carbon emissions to date.
Sophie Chatziapostolou, Project Manager comments “We’re delighted to be launching the first carbon balancing scheme specifically tailored to the needs of event suppliers. It’s easy to use, and we provide support for companies who wish to apporach their operations more responsibly”.
Energy Revolution aims to balance 10 million miles of travel emissions in 2017, and is welcoming suppliers, event organisers, artists and artist management companies to join the movement for 2017. For more information or to join Energy Revolution, visit